As you gain control of your personal finances, it is easy to get lost in all the numbers. You can obsess over the details of your budget, how much your spend on gas each week, the expense ratios of your mutual funds, or even the interest rate on your checking account. However, when it comes right down to it, […]
Archives for June 2017
Pay Or Be Paid
At the height of my debt debacle I owed over $400,000 at 6.8% interest. That amounts to nearly $30,000 per year just in interest. Let me say that again. I was paying $30,000 per year and getting NOTHING. Someone was getting rich and it wasn’t me. It Could Be Worse The student loan arena isn’t […]
The Health Savings Account: Even Better than a Roth IRA
In Use it Or Lose It, we talked about the fantastic benefits of the Roth IRA. While you don’t get any tax break up front, the account grows tax-free, which means that you never have to pay any more taxes on the money, even when you make withdrawals in retirement. The money is 100% yours! It turns […]
Insurance You DON’T Need
You can purchase insurance for nearly every possible unforeseen problem in your life. Some problems, like death, disability, and severe illness are financially catastrophic and you need insurance to protect yourself. Other problems, such as your car transmission failing or your iPhone screen cracking, are certainly nuisances and will set you back a few hundred or few […]
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