How did you manage to get into $400K of debt?
I’m sure that’s the question many of you are asking. It’s actually quite easy. You purchase an education that you can’t afford.
Starting at Zero
After high school, I had a net worth around zero. I then proceeded to complete an engineering degree (financed with student loans), that put me back around 50K. I took a year off, worked as a personal trainer (an enjoyable but not particularly lucrative position), and then dove into a 10-year rabbit hole called medical school and residency that added on an additional 350K of debt.
400K in Debt
Sometime in the last year of my residency training, I decided that I had an emergency and proceeded to study everything I could from the likes of Dave Ramsey, The White Coat Investor, Mr. Money Mustache, the Bogleheads, and many others. I took my first job as a sports medicine physician, worked 60+ hours per week and didn’t take any vacations. My wife and I lived on around 40K per year and we hammered every dollar we could towards my loans. After a little over two years, we had destroyed our loans and set our sights on financial independence.
The Ultimate Goal
This blog is a compilation of my knowledge, insights, and experiences in working hard, getting out of debt, and investing and building wealth, all the while staying healthy and focusing on the ultimate goal, which is living the life you want without regard to financial restrictions.
What’s in it for YOU
I started this blog to educate and empower you to get your financial house in order so that you too can live a life of freedom. It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, lawyer, teacher, stay-at-home parent, librarian, or janitor. The same principles apply to us all. Feel free to come along for the ride. Check out the roadmap to my site, or head straight to the blog, where you can filter posts by category, or start at the first post and read in chronological order.
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