Personal finance isn’t complicated. In fact, if you do just 6 things right, you will become financially successful. Let’s keep it simple and get started. 1. Earn a Decent Income If you don’t make any money, you will never get ahead financially. Forget about winning the lottery, getting an inheritance, or expecting the government to subsidize […]
How To Become a Millionaire by 40
A million dollars is a lot of money. Of course, due to the effects of inflation, a million dollars doesn’t go as far as it used to, but it’s a nice round number and an excellent initial goal for anyone trying to obtain financial independence. If you manage to save up $1 million in liquid assets […]
Rethinking The Safe Withdrawal Rate: 3% Is The New 4%
If you’d eventually like to stop working and live life on your own terms, you need to know how much to save. The 4% rule The conventional wisdom is that you need to save up enough money so that you can live on 4% of your total savings per year. For example, if you can live on $40,000 per […]
The Only Two Numbers You Need to Be Tracking
As you gain control of your personal finances, it is easy to get lost in all the numbers. You can obsess over the details of your budget, how much your spend on gas each week, the expense ratios of your mutual funds, or even the interest rate on your checking account. However, when it comes right down to it, […]
Use it or Lose it
When life offers you a gift, you should graciously accept it. For example, when you wake up on a bluebird powder day with green light stability, you should race up to the mountains to slay some turns. Similarly, when the government offers you a gift, you should take it and run. Don’t ask questions and don’t […]
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